Feeling stressed and rushed? Here are secrets to maintaining a powerful, balanced, effective response to stress, pressure, rush and time constraints.
The primal reaction to danger is to clench and tense to get ready to defend yourself. Clenching and tensing raises our adrenalin, heightens our concentration and sharpens our focus.
The problem is, Clenching and tensing is also very tiring, it's exhausting over the long haul when we don't let go.
Stop the Clench Tense Response when you are running late or under pressure.
When you feel yourself clenching and tensing, relax and take a few long, slow deep breaths.
We are at our most effective when our bodies feel fluid, flexible and free to move. Focus on what you have to achieve and the time you have to do it. Stay relaxed, focused.
Move as quickly as you can while breathing deeply
Tight tense muscles do not move as quickly as relaxed muscles do. In fact, your muscles can get so tight they can limit or stop movement completely.
If you are hammering a nail and hold your arm very tight it won't move. It's only when you relax that you can drive the nail freely.
The same is true when with the rest of your body.
Practice the Relaxed, Energized, Focused Rush Smiling Response - what we call the Happy Hurry. Stay relaxed, move quickly, focus on what you have to do, the time you have to do it, breath deeply.
Move quickly but stay relaxed. It's the Happy Hurry, use REFRS Reponse as a reminder - Relaxed, Energized, Focused, Rushed, Smiling Response.
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Moore. All Rights Reserved.
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